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In this lesson, let’s talk about setting up websites in Magento.

Magento is a very powerful eCommerce solution. It offers many ways that you can customize websites, stores, and store views to meet your unique needs – and you can even create more than one website using a single Magento installation.

First, let’s talk about why you might need more than one website. Consider a shop that does business with customers all over the world – you might need one website for your English-speaking customers, and another for your Spanish-speaking customers. Or you might need to collect payments using American dollars through one website and shop combo, and collect payments using Euros in a separate website and shop combo. There are many reasons why you might need multiple websites, and Magento has you covered.

To get started, you’ll need to log into your Magento dashboard and use the navigation bar to browse to Stores, then All Stores.

Stores Settings All Stores

On the Stores page you’ll see all of the existing websites and stores that have been set up. In this demo installation, we have one main website and two stores set up.

Existing Websites

If we wanted to add a new website, we’d just have to click the Create Website button.

Create Website

You’ll need three pieces of information to set up a new website.

Site Information

In the name field, you can enter the domain of your new website – for example, You’ll also need to enter a code – the code is used on the server to point to the correct domain. It must begin with a lowercase (a-z) letter, and can include any combination of letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and the underscore (_) symbol. Finally, you can enter a numerical value in the sort order field to determine how your websites are listed on the back end. A value of zero (0) would put the website at the top of the list.


When you are done, you’ll just need to click on the Save Website button.

Save Website

It’s important to note that once your new website is set up, you’re not done – you’ll also have to set up a store or stores, and a store view or views to go along with your website(s).


It’s also important to point out that if you want each store to have a dedicated checkout process under its own domain, each store must have a distinct IP address and separate security certificate.


To manage your website URLs, you can use the navigation bar to browse to Stores, then Configuration.

Stores Settings Configuration

On the Configuration page you can choose the Web tab and then open the URL Options heading to make changes to your website URLs.


You can also manage your Base URLs from the same Configuration page.

Set Base URL

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