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Magento Product SEO

Search engine optimization – SEO, for short – is a complex and ever-changing process. Search engines like Google use algorithms to crawl, index, and display websites in search results pages. Using SEO best practices you can give your products the best possible chance of being found by the users who are looking specifically for what you offer.

Magento Metadata for SEO

Magento offers fields where you can enter metadata related to your products.

To get started, open your catalog and select a product.Magento Product Grid


On the Product page, scroll down to the Search Engine Optimization header and click the drop-down arrow to expand it.

Magento SEO Options

Insert Keywords

You’ll see several fields here:


  • URL Key – this field can be populated automatically when you create the Product Name, or you can manually add a URL Key of your choosing. To keep your URL Key search engine-friendly, make sure that you only use lowercase characters, with hyphens instead of spaces.
  • Meta Title – this field controls the text that appears at the top of the browser window as well as in a search engine results page (SERP). Keep values in this field less than 70 characters.
  • Meta Keywords – this field is where you can enter high-value keywords for your product. These keywords are useful when customers are searching for a specific product.
  • Meta Description – this field is where you can enter some descriptive text for search engine results pages. Shoot for 150-160 characters when completing this field.

Having the right Keywords helps

Ensuring that these SEO fields are completed for every product will give your shop greater visibility in search engine results and, hopefully, an increase in conversions!

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