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June 13, 2018
7 mins
Need WooCommerce Help? 11 Resources to Boost Your Online Store

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If you operate an online store, chances are you’ve heard of WooCommerce. Possibly you are using it already or flirting with the idea of switching. Whatever your experience with the platform, you are likely in need of some WooCommerce help. Luckily for you, we can push you in the right direction to get the help you need.
Table of Contents
For those who don’t know, WooCommerce is the eCommerce extension of the extraordinarily popular WordPress content management system.
More than 37% of all online stores have a WooCommerce storefront, and the free WooCommerce extension has been downloaded more than 13 million times already, the tally increasing daily. At the download website, you’ll also find free WooCommerce themes which will get your online store off to a flying start.
The base functionality of WooCommerce will allow you to operate your online store efficiently and easily. You can sell all kinds of products and services on the WooCommerce platform from virtual products like gift cards to composite products such as bundles (among many others).
WooCommerce includes many business functions such as order processing, inventory management, product management, shopping cart, sales tax management, calculation of shipping costs, and even discount and coupon management.
In addition to everything provided in the base functionality of WooCommerce, there are currently more than 300 additional WooCommerce extensions available. These extensions can enhance the functionality of the base platform to provide support for product bundles, bookings, returns, warranties, VAT calculations, and even customer documentation.
With so many extensions and plug-ins available, there’s a lot to understand and a lot that you can utilize if you know how to use it.
This article will lay out 12 of the best WooCommerce support resources to use so that you can increase your knowledge of the WooCommerce platform and get the most out of it to enhance the functionality of your online store.
This Facebook group is open to all newcomer users, regardless of your knowledge level or expertise level. It’s a great place to get together with like-minded users and simply talk about WooCommerce usage.
It’s also a good place to have questions of every level answered. There are just as many highly experienced users as there are novices. At present, there are more than 20,000 members in this group, and its popularity continues to grow. As a learning forum, it is one of the best.
You have to apply to be admitted to this group. That will not be a problem. You’ll find that you’re able to get an answer for nearly any WooCommerce query you can put to the group.
This is a highly interactive Facebook group, which specifically aims at a membership comprised of newcomers, WooCommerce fans, online store owners, and WordPress designer/developer specialists.
Some of the most advanced features available in WooCommerce are often discussed in this group. This is definitely the place to go to have your toughest questions answered. Whereas the Facebook WooCommerce Help & Share Group has a broader range of skill levels in its membership, this advanced group tends to go well beyond the basics in much of its discussions.
Quora is not exclusively dedicated to WooCommerce help or support, but WooCommerce is one of the most popular themes on the site.
By posting a question here, you’ll be sure to get a number of answers from experienced users. One or more of these WooCommerce experts are likely to provide good solutions for whatever issue you might be having.
This is a very good resource for general questions about WooCommerce, but for really involved questions, the two Facebook user groups may be more beneficial.
Slack is a communications tool which is used in many office environments to facilitate the greater exchange of information and a more collaborative effort by company employees.
One of Slack’s secondary functions is to support communities which focus on specific topics of interest, one of which is WooCommerce. You have to apply for admission to the community. Once you’re in you’ll find that there are a great many WooCommerce developers and designers which make up the community.
The official WordPress WooCommerce forum is a good place to start when you’re just starting out with your WooCommerce plugin. The forum is active nearly around-the-clock. This means that any questions you happen to have about technical or usage issues in WooCommerce, forum members will be quite likely to help.
In order to ask questions or reply on the forum, you have to register at and then wait for their response. This one of the best places to go when you are a WooCommerce newcomer seeking answers to fundamental questions.
There is a subreddit on the ever-popular Reddit website which is entirely committed to WooCommerce help and support. Yay!
WooCommerce users of all skill levels will feel comfortable here. You will be able to find knowledgeable WooCommerce fanatics who have answers to basic, intermediate, and more advanced questions about using the platform.
If you’re using the base version of WooCommerce, with no other plugin functionality, you may find the support at the official WooCommerce website somewhat uninspiring.
What it lacks in basic support however, it makes up for in offering all kinds of WooCommerce documentation and explanatory articles, a priceless asset for self-starter types.
If you’re one who loves plunging into documentation to find out how things work, you should find a lot of help on the WooCommerce website. You’ll also be able to purchase any of the WooCommerce extensions right there on the site.
If you’re a beginner in the wonderful world of WooCommerce, this is your destination.
You can take in a WooCommerce tutorial to add to your understanding of the software. There are all kinds of tips and tricks available here, along with a number of other resources that will provide you with a better understanding of the software, helping you to become Woo proficient more quickly.
You’ll also be able to sign up for the WooCommerce newsletter, and if you would like to contact WooCommerce, this site will have tips on that.
This hosting solution has become one of the most popular shared WooCommerce hosting providers in the business today. They provide a number of WooCommerce hosting plans, all of which receive solid support from the provider.
You can expect to receive top-notch security protection, a dedicated IP address which will not be blacklisted, superior support available in several different channels, exceptional performance coupled with minimal downtime, and support for unanticipated traffic surges at your online store.
In addition to getting information for just about everything related to WordPress support, you’ll also be able to find solid support here for WooCommerce help.
This company will help you improve the performance of your WooCommerce online store, provide 24-hour email support, implement off-site backups on a daily basis, and provide expert help on all aspects of WooCommerce. You also have the option to secure a WooCommerce maintenance package with the company, to give yourself peace of mind that everything is functioning optimally.
Some parts of the country have large meetup groups dedicated to all kinds of topics, among them being WooCommerce.
These meetup groups tend to be situated mostly in larger cities, but it never hurts to check around your area. If you happen to have one near you, it would be well with your while to find it and attend some sessions. This is a great way for you to personally interact with other WooCommerce enthusiasts.
You can also start your own meetup if you think there are enough enthusiasts in your region. Go find yourself some Woo people!
The majority of the resources listed above are free support groups and valuable sources of information for people who want to dig into the site themselves. Not all of us have the appetite for this undertaking. That’s OK.
If you simply don’t have the knowledge and expertise to do a WooCommerce setup, it might be to your advantage to enlist the aid of WooCommerce professionals (such as Built Mighty!). While it will cost you some money, this money will be well spent.
First of all, you’ll be able to learn a lot about your WooCommerce store from a professional. Secondly, you’ll be able to get the best performance out of your WooCommerce online store. This will save you much time and, in the long run, money.
If it sounds like we might be a good fit, send us a message. We’ll get back to you within 24 hours. And then we can hit the ground running.