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WooCommerce Shipping Menu

From the WordPress Dashboard, use the left navigation bar to access the WooCommerce -> Settings page.

WooCommerce Settings Selection

WooCommerce Shipping Class Menu

On the Shipping tab, click on the Shipping Classes sub-menu.

WooCommerce Shipping Classes Edit Image Button

Shipping classes are useful when you have similar products that can all receive the same shipping settings and methods. So, shipping classes are groups of products.

Before you can assign products to a shipping class you must create the shipping class from this screen – more information about this process can be found in our lesson on Creating Product Shipping Classes.

WooCommerce Shipping Classes Selection

Once product shipping classes have been created, there are two ways to assign products to them.

Individual Product Shipping Class Editing

The first is to go into the individual product page and go into the Shipping tab in the Product Data area. There is a drop-down menu for shipping class where you can assign the product to a shipping class or no shipping class. Just note that you may only select one shipping class per product.

WooCommerce Product Data Shipping Class

Quick Edit Shipping Classes

The second way to assign products to a shipping class is to make the change using the “quick edit” feature from the All Products page. Hover over the product, click on Quick Edit, and then underneath the heading “Product data” you will see a drop-down menu for shipping class.

WooCommerce Individual Product Data

Regardless of the method you use to select a product shipping class, make sure you save any changes you make!

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